Monday, May 23, 2011

Last day on the snow?

While Simon and Joanie are enjoying the sun in Florida the weather in Seattle is about the same as it has been since October. Mid 50s and overcast. We've had so much snow in the mountains (which of course means rain in the Puget Sound) that Crystal Mountain's ski area is still getting snow and still open.

I went up with friends yesterday. It was still pretty cold at the summit, there were flurries up there and freezing rain at the base. The snow itself was a bit lumpy, I took more falls in one day than I did most of the season. The actual highlight for me was using the 'My Tracks' app on my phone to plot my runs and upload it to Google Maps.

View Crystal Mountain 5/22/2011 in a larger map
The straight lines are lifts. It's pretty cool to see where you went and how fast. My max speed for the day was 31.3 mph. The conditions were really tough so I am interested to see how fast I can bomb down a run on a nice groomed day next year.

This was probably my last day on the snow this season, though we may sneak up again in June just to say we did it. I made it out 10 days this season which isn't too bad all things considered.

1 comment:

gramps said...

Josh - looks like a good time was had by all! The house is kind of quiet and empty tonight, but the painters show up tomorrow to give us a quote, Mom and I spent quality time looking at appliances and furniture so pretty quickly we'll be getting ready for more visitors. I leave in a couple of weeks for Montreal and the Canadian Grand Prix and then a quick trip for us in July back to Maryland. Talk soon D2