Monday, June 23, 2008

Best Places to Live

We are still trying to catch up on all of our photos and adventures but this article came out last week so I thought I would highlight it.

Boise was named the #4 place to live for Work & Play. It's hard to really disagree when you can look out the window and see the mountains and ski slopes and know that there isn't really any traffic on your way home from work.

Houston was ranked #1 and as a co-worker said "I've been to Houston . . ." I've never been on Omaha but I did 42 months in Raleigh and I think Boise has them beat as a community. Have a Happy Monday.


Jana G said...

Sorry, no matter how cool you make it look, I don't think I can move there :-).

Kikentai Triathlon said...

I'm sold. If you guys work on Jana, I'll start studying for the bar.