Sunday, May 30, 2010

Almost Walking

Simon is almost walking. He wants to walk all the time but holds on to your finger. It turns out he can actually stand on his own without much of a problem and even take a few steps when provoked.

Sorry for the bad lighting, it is 58 and rainy here. I'm not sure if the sun will ever come out for more than an hour.


Beth said...

What a BIG boy! It's such a thrill when they do new things isn't it?

Pam said...

Let the games begin!

Scojean said...

Gramps and Nana are SOOOO HAPPY to see this video. May there be many many more to come! We love you all. Miss you lots. Dad & Mom Sco

Scojean said...

PS: We just can't stop playing this. It's so good to see you all hear your voices. That nervous little "Oh my goodness, am I really doing this?" giggle is just precious! Any day now you won't be coaxing & encouraging him. He's ready to GO! We're going to have to get a video camera now. D&M Sco

Jody said...

He's getting so big!!

Keswickian said...

Looks like walking to me :-) Congrats.