Monday, September 3, 2007

Let's backtrack a little...

Before I continue chatting about recent adventures, I have some catching up to do. First, let's finish San Francisco...

While borrowing Dave's car, we drove through the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. We were socked in by fog and could only see the Pacific ocean from one vista, but it made the gun turrets even more mysterious.

We took a road out of the park that led past some of the original military buildings which are now artist residences and studios. Despite the noble cause, the area was a bit depressing. That changed when we saw a deer and her fawns walking through the "compound" and I remembered we were just minutes away from the busyness of the highway and downtown San Francisco.

The GGNRA is one of the largest urban parks in the world and thankfully very much untouched by the growth that engulfs it.

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