Monday, June 8, 2009

Bye Boise!

It's amazing to me that what started with two suitcases and an air mattress, ended up being three people, four suitcases, two backpacks, one stroller and one pack & play.

For those of you who don't know we are in the process of moving back to our old house in Columbia, Maryland. It's a temporary setback in our master plan but one we felt was the best option for our family right now. We hope to get back to the West before Simon starts kindergarten.

Here is truck all loaded up. It will offload us on June 15th.

Here are Simon and I as we say goodbye to the only home Simon knows.

We are driving to Denver over the next few days and flying to Maryland from there. We will post pictures of our adventures along the way.

1 comment:

Jana G said...

Sorry about leaving the West behind, I know you guys loved it there. But I'm looking forward to seeing you both and meeting Simon in the flesh!