Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Eileen a.k.a. "Super Girl"

Eileen showed up from Portland late in the evening, the day after the boxes arrived. She was amazing. We had three monumental unpacking days and a nice little visit downtown as well. Despite the sheer volume of things to do, we turned the house away from total chaos, into a relatively organized home. We still have a room full of boxes to unpack, some hiding in the bedroom, and more in the garage, but the bulk of the work is done! We even hung a majority of the art...pretty nice. Way to go Eileen!


Jana G said...

The house looks great! Can't wait to see it and you sometime. Hope you are enjoying the new digs. - Jana

Jody said...

Everything looks amazing!! Eileen is super girl!!

I'm glad you guys are getting settled in.

We miss you!

Gerard said...

This is a beautiful home. The layout is smooth and the windows are to die for. Glad to see you are settled in.

Gerard said...

This is a beautiful home. The layout is smooth and the windows are to die for. Glad to see you are settled in.